My daughter had a feis today. I think feis means party or festival in Gaelic but it is used for Irish dance competition these days. It is pronounced “fesh”.
We were early and got some food at the cafe. Then we snagged seats just before she started dancing.
She was happy with her performance and her brother was excited for her too. This is them celebrating on a platform.
There was a guy wearing hospital scrubs who said he was Jesus and “looking for a girlfriend, although some of these girls are too young but look really familiar” and hoping to get a ride home. I called campus security after he put on regular clothes he had in a patient belongings bag and went inside the building where the feis was and started talking to females. He was posted up in the bathroom when the security guard showed up. I left not wanting to put my family in danger and we were headed off to IKEA.
I am grateful for my daughter’s delight in dancing well, my son’s enthusiasm for life and his sister’ success, and having the strength to ask for help when the situation felt off to me.